Lapua SK - 22 LR 40 grain Magazine


SK Magazine is a world famous 22lr training ammo with unique packaging, for those rimfire shooters who are on the way to achieving their peak performance. Manufactured according to our strict quality guidelines, this ammunition fulfils our requirements of reliability and accuracy. Its unbeatable ratio of price and performance makes SK Magazine the ideal rimfire round for all shooters who have their sights set on taking their competitive shooting to a higher level. 500 stk. í dót.

9.900 kr.

Lapua SK - 22 LR 40 grain Standard Plus


Sömu skotin og í dósunum, aðrar pakkningar. 1050 fps. 50 stk. í pakka.

1.150 kr.

Lapua SK - 22 LR 40 grain Semi-Auto Rifle


New for 2020, SK’s Semi-Auto Rifle is designed to outperform, replace and eventually retire all other inferior semi-auto ammunition offerings currently crowding the market. It’s built to deliver pinpoint accuracy while functioning flawlessly through any 10/22 style firearms, AR’s, 597’s, 64’s, and more. 50 stykki í pakka

1.170 kr.

Lapua - 22 LR Rifle Match


Vönduð markskot, 50 stykki í pakka.

1.300 kr.

Lapua - 22 LR 40 Center-X


Frábær keppnisskot sem löngu hafa sannað sig.

2.270 kr.

Lapua - 22 LR 40 grain Midas +


Vönduð 22 LR skotum, margfaldur Heims- og Olympíumeistari. 50 stk. í pakka.

2.790 kr.

Lapua SK - 22 LR 40 grain High Velocty Match


The new SK High Velocity Match exits the muzzle at a blistering 1,263 feet per second (385 m/s). Disciplines such as PRS Rimfire and NRL22 trust High Velocity Match to strike on-target with both speed and precision. SK’s 40 grain round-nosed projectile is combined with a proprietary blend of clean-burning, high-energy propellant for reliable functioning in all platforms – shot after sho 50 stk. í pakka.

1.090 kr.

Lapua SK - 22 LR 40 grain Long Range Match


Sérstök skot sem ætluð eru á lengri færi eða útá 100metra, 40 grain og 1099 fps. 50 stk. í pakka.

1.280 kr.

Lapua 22 LR X-Act


Einfaldlega toppurinn í 22 LR skotum. 1073 fps. 50 stykki í pakka.

4.150 kr.

RWS 22 LR Club


Vönduð og ódýr skot með 40 grain kúlu, hraði 1083 fet/sec, 50 skot í pakka.

1.100 kr.

RWS 22 LR Rifle Match


Vönduð markskot með 40 grain kúlu, hraði 1083 fet/sec, 50 skot í pakka.

1.500 kr.

RWS 22 LR Special Match


Vönduð markskot með 40 grain kúlu, hraði 1083 fet/sec, 50 skot í pakka.

2.100 kr.

RWS 22 LR Subsonic Hollow Point


40 grain boruð kúla undir hljóðhraða eða 1033 fet/sec. 50 skot í pakka.

1.500 kr.

RWS 22 LR High Velocity


Mjög hröð og kraftmikil skot með 40 grain heilli kúlu, hraði 1263 fet/sec. 50 stykki í pakka.

1.500 kr.

RWS 22 LR High Velocity Hollow Point


Mjög hröð og kraftmikil skot með 40 grain boraðri kúlu, hraði 1263 fet/sec. 50 stykki í pakka.

1.700 kr.

RWS 22 LR R 50


Ein vönduðustu markskot sem fáanleg eru, 40 grain kúla og 50 stk. í pakka.

3.500 kr.

RWS 22 LR R 100


Toppurinn í markskotum frá RWS, margfaldur meistari, 40 grain kúla og 50 stk. í pakka.

3.800 kr.